βš–οΈProvable Fairness

Equal opportunity for all, provable on the blockchain

No Gameplay Advantage to Original Racers or Wrapped Racers

It doesn't matter whether you're driving an Original Racer or a Wrapped Racer, you've still got to count on your strategy and your wits to win a race. They operate exactly the same in-game.

No Hidden Information During Races

During the play phase, every player can see the same state of the track:

  • Location and current speed of all Racers.

  • Racer max speed, acceleration, and handling attribute values.

  • Racer inventories (which items a racer holds).

  • Hazard locations & their effects.

  • Past Racer choices.

Items For Sale DO NOT Affect In-Game Gameplay

Items that are for sale or given via airdrop will not affect in-game gameplay.

Random Numbers 🎲

When we process every play phase, we use Chainlink VRF to generate new random numbers on-chain. That VRF number seeds a pseudo random number generator that produces further randomness needed for the game.

We do this to avoid hacks that come from using Solidity's built-in randomness algorithms, which are vulnerable to attack.

Last updated